Welcome back. This term we are back into fractions and decimals as well as starting a new topic on healthy food. So try find some examples from home to bring in and discuss. For example; How many slices of bread in a bag and what fraction did you eat, what fraction of sandwiches did you eat, how many bottles of milk ect.
We are also planning to go on a tramp to Mt Sommers Walkway and stay over night at Woolshed Hut. We hope to go on Monday 4th November back Tuesday 5th. This is yet to be approved by the board and more information including a parent information evening will follow.
We will be looking for parent help and looking forward to students planning all aspects including healthy food.
I have set the class up on the Be Healthy web site with log in details to follow once the topic has been introduced
There's one problem you forgot to give us the passwords. But at home I have checked out the be healthy be active website. TT